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3 posts tagged with "diagramming"

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· 3 min read


When I was introduced to C4 in 2019 there were few tools that supported it. Today there's multiple and I'll go through few tools in this post.

It is ok to create c4 in a tool of your choice. The most important part of creating C4 diagrams is to follow notation and recommended guidelines.

· 7 min read


Scenario 1: Imagine you are at the airport in a foreign country and about to fly to your home country.A stranger sits next to you, greets you and ask you where are you from. What will be your response?

Scenario 2: Imagine you are at the domestic terminal in your home country, and you are about to fly to another city. A stranger greets you and ask you where are you from. What will be your response?

Scenario 3: You are in a coffee shop at local shopping centre and stranger asks you where are you from, what will be your response?

Do you have different answers in the 3 scenarios? If so why?

Airport wait

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