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4 posts tagged with "strategy"

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· 4 min read


Capabilities are the foundation of other important viewpoints and techniques that can be used to move the business forward.

This post highlights how business capabilities can be used in other core domains of business architecture. Furthermore, the post highlights how capabilities can be used in techniques like heat mapping and planning.

· 6 min read


In the past 3 months my curiosity drove me to business architecture. I read multiple articles and I landed in rabbit hole which increased my curiosity. During the process, I discovered multiple frameworks addressing business architecture but I stuck with "Guide to the Business Architecture Body of Knowledge".[#3]. The guide outlines that there are four core elements of business Architecture which includes:

  1. Business Capability Map
  2. Value Stream map
  3. Information map
  4. Organisation Map

This post focuses on Business Capability Map. The post defines business capability, business capability map and discusses the benefits of creating a business capability map.

· 6 min read


Geralt on pixabay

I recently listened to InfoQ podcast where Susanne Kaiser spoke about DDD, Wardley Mapping & Team topologies. Responding to one of the questions she said, “when we are building systems in general, we are faced with challenges of building the right thing and building the thing right.”

I was fascinated by how swapping two words, “wrong” and “right,” makes such a huge difference, and I decided to dig deep.